July 21, 2008


It came at about 4 yesterday afternoon. Wasn't expecting it at all. I started getting the mild cramping at around 3, then they got a little worse so I decided to check, just in case. And sure enough, I wiped and saw red.

Nuts. Another cycle gone.

My dr. didn't want to do anything until he gets the results from hubbys sa which is Aug 7th. Thats in 3 weeks. I guess it will be another cycle trying naturally, and another month of nothing.

Aaarrrggg. I'm so frustrated. Disappointed. Annoyed. Sad. Jelouse. Tired. Defeated.

When will it be our turn.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.
I know so well the frustration, anger, saddness and disappointment.

I hope your time comes soon. Really soon.

Thinking of you all the way over in Australia.


Rita said...

it sucks. it friggin' sucks.
fingers crossed for the next cycle