August 7, 2008

Quite Time

Hubby handed over his 'junk'(as he called it) this morning for his sa.

Now i have to wait 3-4 business days to find out the results. I'll be on cd23/24, which is also a perfect time to talk to my dr about next steps. I'm hoping he'll say IUI.

If it were up to me, I would go for more cd3 blood work and an iui w/clomid. I have to double check what my insurance covers, but i'm down for an iui. Forget about this natural stuff. It's been 16 cycles with no results. I'm so ready for it.

In the meantime, I just spent the day with one of my best childhood friends' and her 2 year old daughter. I'm exhausted and was happy to come home to my quite apartment and my fluffy little dog.


jenn said...

Good luck on the results! & I hope the upcoming plans are good. I had no problems with Clomid except I oddly got more energy & was warmer than usual.

Anonymous said...

Just to say good luck - thinking of you. Hope the results are all good and that you get to go for that IUI soon. And remember, insurance companies have to cover IUI in NY state.

Rebecca said...

Here's to hoping the SA test results turn out well! And I hear you on forgetting the natural stuff - although I ended up getting lucky, the upcoming treatment is what kept me going. Thanks for your congratulations, it means a lot! I wish you a positive someday soon!