August 19, 2008

Silly Me



In my almost-two-years of charting, i've only had a 30 day cycle once. But I kinda knew it would be on the late side because my lovely ClearBlue Fertility Monitor said I ovulated late this month.

my boobs are still sore, and getting sorer by the day. Usually they get less sore with each day leading up to my period. I guess not this month. This month they want to do the opposite. They like to trick me. Every month they do something a little different, just to keep me on my toes.

Oh, the dr sent me hubbys sa. Now i can obsess over the numbers.
His number first, normal range in parenthesis.

volume 3.8 (2.0)
concentration 101 (20)
total count 383 (40)
motility 47% (50%)
ph 7.8 (7.2-8.0)
forward progression 3.5 (3.0)
liquefaction norm/non-visc (non visc)
round cells <1.0 (<3.0)
Morphology 11% (>30%)

Like the dr said, his total count number is wonderfully high, but morphology is not normal.

I think i feel my period coming, as I type this. I knew that hpt was a waste.


Rebecca said...

Hey! I'm really glad the hubby had a change of heart regarding the IUI! And the SA looks good considering the count! Hopefully you won't have to postpone this cycle. I know I went in for CD3 bloodwork on CD5 without comment from the doctor.
I also understand about your mom listening in - I was home this weekend and had to make a call and my mom walked in the room as I was leaving a message! Luckily she didn't say anything and I'm hoping she didn't understand the jargon.

I'm also waiting to see if my Clomid/IUI cycle will be postponed - hopefully we will both be lucky and be able to cycle together! Enjoy your vacation!

jenn said...

I'm sorry about the bfn!
I have to go back & look- but those s/a #'s look an awful lot like the hub's. I am pretty suire he had an 11% morphology too- but since his count was so high it wasn't an issue. Plus the wash will take those mishapen suckers out of the picture. Good luck with the scheduling!